Mike is creative in the exercises that he finds for me to do and we change it up every time. The boundaries in which I have placed for weight lifting and the ones he sees are vastly different.
I, like a lot of women, typically do not reach for super heavy weights. I don’t worry about bulking up, though that is a very real fear for a lot of women (you aren’t going to get bulky on accident ladies). I am more comfortable with selecting weights that I know I will be able to handle even when I get tired.
This last week Mike suggested we use the squat rack (yay?). He loaded up the weight systematically getting heavier and heavier. Where I could do 10 squats before I would only be able to squeak out 5, then 2, then almost a non-existent 1. For me it seemed silly. One rep? That doesn’t count! But Mike was pleased. He explained, that is building strength. Even if it is one rep at a time. Apparently, it was a PR because I squatted my body weight. All I know is it was damn heavy and I may have broken my personal rule about grunting in the gym.
This has helped me to become more comfortable with the squat rack at the gym on my own time. I will not load up near that heavy on my own. But I am using a piece of equipment that I was leery of before. Maybe one day in the future I will be able to squat my body weight but not soon. Not if there will be grunting.
Look at that positive attitude! |
I think the entire time I am at the gym I am mumbling something about how ‘stupid’ it is. But I still enjoy it. Maybe not the actual working out but being done is pretty awesome. All the endorphins pinging around your brain making you feel content is pretty awesome. So remember when you are asked to do one more set of something stupid or extra stupid that it will feel that much more awesome when you are done. Plus, if you do a really good job you get extra high fives and who doesn't love a high five?