The Funk

After my marathon and show highs. I returned to life as I know it. Just one day after another going through the motions. Hitting the gym but with no goals athletically there wasn’t a sense of urgency to do well or anything special. I ate what and when I wanted (although there was always a sense of what I *should* eat in the back of my mind). I started to slip into the thick dark pool of depression.

Here is the “fun” thing about depression, it isn’t really sadness that you feel. It’s apathy. Just a complete lack of feelings. As if inside your body there is just static; a blurry, frantic, nothingness. For me it was like I was split in two. I could see this was happening but I had no drive to do anything. I went weeks before I said anything to my husband. I wasn’t exactly sure what it was at first. Saying it out loud made it more real. I was depressed. Was it the cloudy skies? The sudden loss of a personal goal after three years of something to train for? I had plenty to be happy and thankful for; a husband who helps me, two amazing children, my health is pretty good, I have a good job, I have a roof over my head and a full fridge. Why am I “complaining”? It really doesn’t matter how good you have it, depression doesn’t discriminate.

I didn’t feel like I was quite ready to go to the doctor but I didn’t want to continue this way. I purchased a daylight lamp to start light therapy. I started to make sure I was drinking enough water and getting plenty of sleep at night. Typically, exercise can also help with depression. For me, at least at this point, I was feeling overwhelmed and needed to do a little more of a reboot on self care. A few weeks and I was starting to feel better. The static was quieting inside and I was starting to have feelings again. I talked to my husband and he encouraged doing another show. He thought it might help to have a goal again.

At first I resisted. A show is a lot of commitment and restraint. It’s diligence in measuring and tracking your meals. It’s deciding whether you have the willpower to say no to drinks and bar food if you decide to go out with friends. It’s packing your food so you stay on goal. It’s always planning ahead. It’s time poured into the training; the gym, the heels, the smiling, the sass. It’s ignoring others passing judgement.

All the possible negatives there are there is also a great payoff. I have been told countless times how proud people (the ones who matter) are of me. Of my diligence, restraint, commitment and perseverance. How I have inspired fellow friends to see that they can get fit too. Hearing that I can be an inspiration to others is incredibly uplifting and by far my favorite. But let’s not forget the other pro’s, an amazingly sparkly suit and the shot of bringing home trophies and tiaras.

I jumped and made the commitment. I am doing another show. I am freshly out of my funk and feeling better. This is not the fix for everyone. If I was still struggling at this point I would be in my doctor’s office. You can’t always fix things on your own and that is OK. You are not wrong or broken if you have depression. Sometimes we just need a little a help. Saying it out loud can be scary but I promise I will listen to you.

My Marathon Experience

I am baaaacckkkk!!! Has everyone missed me and my charming personality? I knew you did! 

I took a long hiatus after my debut into the world of a bikini competitor. I had other goals to complete that required a lot of time. I had a marathon to finish! No not Netflix but a real life, grueling 26.2 mile type of marathon.

I joined a group of like minded individuals to endure the Beat the Blerch marathon this last September in Carnation Washington. This race completes me on a soul deep level as the aid stations actually have tasty snacks like Nutella sandwiches and cake. One of the stations had potato chips! Banana’s be damned!

I put a lot of hours and miles into my marathon training. Two to three days during the week were spent running “short” distances and every weekend a loooong run. I would then spend the other days of the week in the gym cross training or in the pool to give my joints a break. Towards the end of my marathon training the only thing I wanted more than anything was to be done. I had spent so much time doing *something*. I had to be running and before that in the gym or I would not get the results that I wanted. If I didn’t run in the days prior to the race then race day would not be successful. I was tired. I was painful. I was ready to be done.

So, race weekend appears and my mom and I load up the car and drive up to Carnation. It was a fun trip up and we reserved a yurt right on the race course so commute would be quick. It was relatively dry the day before as we tucked into our carb load and then to bed. Nerves and an increasingly loud squeaky mattress kept me up for a while before I was able to drift off into sleep. Race day my eyes pop open and what do my ears hear? Rain. Goody. I get out of bed with hopes it’s my imagination (it’s not) and start dressing in my running gear. Happy that my overpacking nature is serving me well today. I apply my anti-chafing cream (weird with another person in the room by the way), get my rain jacket and lace up my sneakers. It’s time to run.

Like every race, the excitement from the pack mentality is exhilarating! We listen to the opening speech (the monologue from Independence Day) catch some marshmallows that were hurled from the platform and we are off. The rain is still falling but after half a mile I am HOT. So I am now committed to running with a jacket tied around my waste for 26 miles. I really had a difficult time finding my stride for a bit but after a few miles I am able to space out and get into my groove.

Mile 17 arrives and I hate seeing it. Mentally calculating how much further I have to go. If we stopped at 18 I could do this but the thought of 8 MORE miles almost breaks my brain. After 18 I start to fall apart. My body is getting increasingly painful, my feet are soaked and I am so very tired. But I slog on. Once I hit mile 20 I conceded to walking. My knee hurts when I run but my hip hurts when I walk, I find blood and realize I am bleeding on my stomach. That’s what happens after 20 miles of a shirt barely touching moles, they bleed. I have rocks in my shoes and I am an eyelash width away from tears at the thought of 6 more miles. I shuffled and despaired for 4 miles and saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I started to run more. I wasn’t going to make my goal of under 5 hours but I WOULD make it over the finish line under my own power, damn it. I can see the finish line now. I put on the biggest burst of speed I could muster, I had to pass that couple walking after all.


I did it! I completed 26.2 miles under my own will power. It took 5 hours and 37 minutes of shambling, shuffling, and determination to make it across that finish line. The endorphin dump and victorious feeling eased my aching joints and raw skin. Would I do it again? Oh gawd NO! Am I happy that I did it? Absolutely! And I plan on bragging about it forever (sorry not sorry).