We have all heard about the science experiments of the plants or rice being talked to nice vs. being talked to mean and how the nice one flourishes and the mean one wilts or spoils quicker. This experiment is to show the power of our words on lives. If it can effect a non-animate life how is this on animate lives?
I am my own worst enemy, like most people are. I can be so mean to myself and it doesn’t serve any purpose. I have been striving in my advancing years to get better about positive self-talk. Nothing has catapulted my motivation forward further than having kids. I have two beautiful little girls who are looking to me to show them how to navigate life. To those girls I am a beautiful being even when I have a crazy bun on my head, ratty jeans, sweat dripping down my nose, and dirt smeared across my makeup-less face. To them my body is perfect even when I look like I am in my second trimester of pregnancy from the massive burrito I just massacred. They don’t look at the shrinking size of my bra and think less of me. To them I am perfect in my imperfections.
That is why I am especially careful not to poke too much at my stubborn belly pooch aka the snack pack. I have explained to them I don’t think that I am fat and that is why I am following a diet. I am following a diet because I am in a competition that I am changing the way my body looks for. I am *choosing* not to eat a cookie because I am training not because I think I am fat.
When I hear my nine year old voice her fears that she doesn’t want to get “fat” my heart breaks. Nine year olds should be worried about when they will be able to go out and ride their bike or play with their friends not about the size and shape of their bodies. I told her that no one gets dictate the size and shape of her body but her, it isn’t anyone else’s business. I will still encourage my kids to eat healthy varied diets and get outside and play because that’s a good life skill. But I will also still give my kids ice cream after dinner some nights and sometimes cake for breakfast because it’s fun and what is life without fun?
The point of all this is to make sure that you are really thinking through your statements before they cross your lips. You may have little ears with fertile minds catching all your words and planting the seeds of doubt in themselves and their perception of you. You may be tearing yourself down and vocalizing it just dings against the psyche even more. List off what you love, like or is your favorite thing about you. Society has somehow twisted us to not even be able to take a compliment from ourselves. It’s OK to like yourself. Here I will go first: my eyes are my favorite feature and I love that I don’t pee when I sneeze (moms know what’s up). Trust me it’s hard but it’s worth it. And when your brain throws out your imperfections acknowledge and move on. You are a superhero. You are amazing.
Gym Friends
If you are anything like me you have a large of assortment
of interests. Reading books, knitting,
sewing, parenting successfully, running and going to the gym to name a few. You may also notice that you have a friend
base that has some people who love knitting, for example, but wouldn’t be
interested in running. Your knitter
friend could be an invaluable resource to your knitting. They would try to support you in your running
endeavors because that’s what friends do but they really couldn’t find the joy
or value in the activity quite like you do.
And that’s OK. Not everyone is a
cookie cutter copy of someone else and it would be boring if they were.
Making friends who have a similar goal or drive for the gym
is really an invaluable resource. I have
some friends in real life that I can message about my lack of will to go to the
gym and they will offer to meet me there.
It helps to pull me out of my funk and into the gym. A work out goes by quicker when you are able
to laugh and socialize a little. Please
note: socializing at the gym does not mean parking your butt on a machine and
talking while doing *maybe* one set. It
means bust your ass and take your turn talking on your rotation!
I also have virtual friends.
These are workout groups I have joined on social media. These are super nice to have because it’s
like having a larger cheering section.
They want you to succeed and they are excited when you have a victory to
share. Again, please note: there are
some really catty, snotty, horrible people out there. You may need to cull out the groups that you
stay in or post in. Some people just won’t
be happy for you. You don’t need that noise.
Sometimes I share a sweaty selfie or a flex Friday post with
the general masses but for the most part I share with my friends who have the
same drive. Most of my friends can be
excited for me but because they don’t live the life, don’t experience the everyday
challenges of trying to change their body in a specific way, they don’t fully appreciate
what I am trying to accomplish. My gym
friends understand, not only my love of cake, but the strength that was
necessary to turn it down. My gym
friends will notice that subtle shadow of a muscle or that my butt looks good
in my new leggings and it isn’t weird when they mention it.
So look around. Do
you have any friends that can help you in your gym journey? Anyone who would love to celebrate your
victories and keep you moving in a positive direction? Go out there and make some friends!
Sometimes Life Explodes
You are going along through life. Everything seems good. There are few things that make life
inconvenient but not unbearable and then all of the sudden life explodes! It’s like a landslide of things that keep
happening. Before you know it you want
to curl into the fetal position, eat your weight in Cheetos while crying into a
rum and Coke. You are completely
This happened to me recently. As we started to slide into the holiday
season things just started to pile on up.
My kids got sick, my littlest gets viral induced asthma so it’s a huge
ordeal that lasts a loooong time. Then
the dryer broke, then the car broke down out of town, then the TV broke, the
car needs long term help, I stepped on a nail, all three of us need new
glasses. It’s just one expensive item
after another. I felt completely
overwhelmed and underfunded.
Typically, I would go ahead and comfort myself through food
without much thought. Except for maybe
additional self-loathing after I ate my 20 piece chicken mcnugget, large fry,
and 3 gallon soda. This time I tried to
eliminate the stress in the gym. Some
days it helped. Other days my heart was
not in it. But I kept going. Not going wasn’t going to fix anything that
was wrong.
As much as I felt like not going to the gym some days. Like it was another “chore” that had to be
done and added to my list of stuff, I still went. I didn’t let the habit get broken. Bit by bit life started returning to
normal. The stages of grief were working
their way through and I was starting to feel more normal.
Were all my problems fixed by going to the gym? No.
But they aren’t going to be fixed by falling head first into an endless
food binge or pity party. Giving in to
temporary satisfaction will not help me in my long term goals. Throwing around
heavy things while listening to Zombie probably helped more than I know.
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